aasta ISPIM innovatsioonikonverents
“Local Innovation Ecosystems for Global Impact” was held in Tallinn, 9-12.06.2024. The conference brought together innovation experts from universities, the private and public sectors and consultancies from all over the world, creating an opportunity for international ecosystem networking.
Participants were able to take part in workshops, debates and panel discussions, as well as sessions presenting the latest research and research results and best practices in innovation implementation.

The first auditable standard on innovation management, to be published in September, set the tone for the range of topics at the conference -. ISO 56001.

ISPIM the International Society for Professional Innovation Management – is a community of research institutions and members of the private and public sectors who share an interest in innovation management – how to successfully turn ideas into new products, processes and services to stimulate growth and prosperity.
Founded in Norway in 1983, ISPIM is the oldest, largest and most active global innovation network.

The Innotrep methodology was presented at the conference by Kati Rostfeldt (Product Manager of Innotrep) and Ivo Suursoo (Chairman of the Chamber of Employers’ Innovation Start-ups).
The presentation was accompanied by an English summary on the innotrep website and an English version of the innotrep self-assessment matrix.