What is good governance?

One of PARE’s aims is to stand up for people management as a key area in every organisation.
But what is good people management when there are thousands of different ways of thinking about it around the world?
Creating a clear and simple description of good leadership has been one of the objectives of the PARE Leadership Quality Working Group.
This is how the Circle of Good Leadership was born.
Good people management starts with the awareness and understanding that every manager is responsible for the quality of people management.
A good leader:

  • Sets a clear goal and creates a supportive working environment
  • He tells it like it is – he communicates with his team, listens, understands and explains.
  • A good leader is honest, ethical, courageous, respectful, empathetic, responsible and articulate.
    Not just in words but in deeds.
  • By doing so, he or she creates a competitive advantage for his or her organisation through good people management.

A good management circle

  See more: https://pare.ee/juhtimiskvaliteet/hea-juhtimise-ring/

How to measure leadership?

PARE Management Barometer

… is a survey in the form of an index that helps to map the current state of the quality of people management in an organisation.

Why ask for employee feedback on management?

Employees are behind the results of an organisation.
They are the ones who bring home great results, which is why it’s important to keep them.
After all, it’s an old truth that it’s the leaders who are most likely to leave an organisation.
The People Leadership Barometer provides feedback on how well the company’s leadership suits employees and reflects their loyalty to the organisation.
Loyal employees don’t change jobs at the first better offer – they do their work to a higher standard, put in more effort and deliver better results for their employer.
Employers’ marketing is also best done by their own employees because they are the face of the organisation.
Organisations with satisfied employees are easier to recruit and have a better reputation among jobseekers – so the People Management Index is also important in the context of employer branding.
With the PARE Leadership Barometer, you can also compare your performance with other organisations, giving you a good picture of where you stand in terms of the quality of your leadership.
For the organisation, the barometer gives you the opportunity to use the result for recruitment and marketing, for example.

What is the PARE Leadership Barometer methodology?

The PARE People Management Barometer is based on the world’s widely tested Recommendation Index methodology.
While the Recommendation Index measures customer loyalty, the People Management Index measures the quality of management and thus employee loyalty.
The methodology divides employees into three groups: those who are satisfied with people management, those who are neutral and those who are dissatisfied.
The proportion of satisfied employees is measured.
The higher the number of satisfied employees, the greater the potential for success of the organisation.

What are the advantages of the PARE Leadership Barometer over an internal satisfaction survey or motivation survey?

Answering the Leadership Barometer is quick and easy.
It takes very little time to complete (around 2 minutes), which increases the likelihood of employees responding.
The organisation does not need to carry out data analysis, which is often a large and time-consuming process.
As the survey is conducted by PARE, which is a third party, and the results are generalised at the organisational level, this increases the possibility of honest feedback from employees.
PARE’s management barometer allows you to compare your results with those of other organisations, and thus gives you the opportunity to benchmark against others.
The results are sent back to the organisation in a form that it can immediately share with its employees.

How often should feedback be requested?

The ideal interval for asking for feedback would be quarterly.
The PARE Management Barometer could also be used after major changes in the organisation.
In this way, a comparison of the results of the barometer before and after the change can give an indication of whether the change management has been conducted in a way that is appropriate for the employees.

What is a good score for the Leadership Barometer?

The control barometer has a 200-point scale: -100% to +100%.
If the barometer score is above zero, most employees are satisfied with the way people are managed in the organisation. NPS Every organisation is different.
The best way is to compare yourself with yourself, with your previous performance.
This will show you if and in which direction there has been a change and help you to learn and improve step by step.

In which languages can the PARE Leadership Barometer be completed?

You can fill in the management questionnaire in Estonian, English or Russian.

How to participate in the PARE Leadership Barometer?

See more on the PARE website.