Innovation is the key to modern entrepreneurship – it is the foundation for business growth and development.
But how do you measure something as abstract as innovation capacity?
The following post introduces a systematic approach based on the Innotrap methodology to help companies assess and develop their innovation capacity.

Innovation capacity assessment process

The innotrep methodology for assessing innovation performance is based on two main elements: levels and categories of innovation performance.
These two form the innotrep frameworkThe two pillars provide the framework for an objective analysis of a company’s position and for drawing up development plans.
To start with, each company should choose its own recommended target and the level of development towards which it wishes to move.
It should then assess its innovativeness and readiness to innovate through six different categories.

Five levels of ability

  1. An innovation enthusiast – a company is aware of the need for innovation, but the actual steps to implement innovation are still in the early stages.
  2. Innovation experimenter – initial innovation projects have been launched, but they are at an experimental stage and there is no systematic approach.
  3. Process-driven innovator – a company has clear processes and systems in place to manage innovation.
  4. Strategic innovator – innovation is part of a company’s strategic plans and plays a significant role in its development.
  5. Ecosystem shaper – a company is a leader of innovation, actively shaping markets and creating new value chains.

Six categories

  1. Ambition and leadership
  2. Culture and people
  3. Value proposition innovation
  4. Innovation management processes
  5. Finances
  6. Partners and cooperation

Innovation capacity assessment process

To start the process, we first recommend that you familiarise yourself with. the innotrepi matrix.
For a more detailed and personalised positioning, the company should register as an innotrep user.
You can then take a self-assessment test consisting of 20 questions for the company manager.
These questions are carefully designed to reflect the five capability levels and six categories mentioned above.
The result of the test will give you an idea of the stage of development your company is currently at in each of these categories.
The test results of registered users will be recorded and will allow the company to track its progress.
Registered companies can use a consultant to help them carry out the test or validate their results, save services of interest and contact potential partners.
The results of the test will also be displayed to the user as a radar chart, allowing different comparisons through a number of filters. After completing the test, select the focus areas according to the results.
This step will help you to decide which areas need the most work in order to reach the desired level of development. As a next step, use the innotrep. directory of service providersto find partners with whom you can work to boost your company’s innovation capacity.
The partner directory is constantly being updated, and for registered users, suitable services will be filtered according to the current state of the company and its strategic objectives.
If you feel you need help, please contact an innotrep consultant.
The consultant will support you in the self-assessment process, help you define strategies and objectives, and advise you on the selection of potential partners based on the test results.
Self-assessment of innovation capacity should not be a “tick box” exercise out of curiosity, but an ongoing and inclusive process that helps your company to keep its focus on systematic development to maintain and grow its competitive advantage.
It is a journey that needs constant attention and updating.
By taking advantage of the expertise and support of experts, companies can increase their competitiveness and achieve sustainable growth through innovation.