The Windy Wind 2% Club innovation panel discussion at the Economic Conference was attended by 14.
On 14 March, Mart Ustav, CEO of Icosagen Cell Factory, Kuldar Väärsi, founder and CEO of Milrem, and Kati Kusmin, head of the EAS-Kredex Joint Agency.
The discussion was moderated by Liisu Lass.

One way to leapfrog is to invest in innovation and develop an innovation-friendly economy.
“Innovation is a risk, but an even bigger risk is not to take the risk,” stressed Kuldar Väärsi, founder of Milrem and a member of the 2% club of knowledge-intensive companies.
“For a long time our advantage has been low labour costs, but today that is over.
Consequently, the only way to create more value for the customer is through our product.
Investments made for this purpose will create more competitiveness in the future.