AIRE, the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, launches new demonstration projects three to four times a year in partnership with industry and researchers, using AI and robotics solutions to solve business challenges.
In January, the demo project applications of Vikan Estonia OÜ, Nõo Lihatööstus OÜ, Skarcon Machining OÜ and GScan OÜ were approved.
A total of seven applications were submitted last December, three of which are still in the evaluation process.
Vikan Estonia OÜ’s project is called “Validation of an artificial intelligence-based material loss reduction solution using fast-moving fabric line break detection” and is being implemented in collaboration with TalTech.
The project “Validation of an artificial intelligence system for quality control of production lines in Nõo Lihatööstuse OÜ” will be carried out in cooperation with the University of Tartu.
For Skarcon Machining OÜ’s “Testing of a collaborative robot for the detection of mislocations of workpieces and quality control based on machine vision”, TalTech will again be the partner, and for GScan OÜ’s “Validation of the decoding concept of a multiplexing solution for myon tomography”, the University of Tartu will be the partner.
The demo projects submitted in the autumn, the Tempest AS project “Testing a robot in a production unit for the flexible insertion of large-gauge products into a machine”, which is being carried out with IMECC Oü, and another Tempest AS project “Testing artificial intelligence for automating business processes with voice commands”, this time in cooperation with the University of Tartu, were also launched at the beginning of the year.
Projects can be submitted by small and medium sized Estonian industrial companies to the AIRE call for ideas for demo projects, which aims to increase the digital capability of Estonian industrial companies and overcome business challenges through artificial intelligence and robotics solutions.
“AIRE values the broad-based creation of innovation and therefore initiates demo projects in as many different fields as possible, developing novel solutions that do not duplicate existing technologies offered by private companies,” said Katre Eljas, Head of AIRE’s Demo Projects Service.
The AIRE centre is supported by an advisory board of experienced entrepreneurs who aim to bring Estonian academia and industry closer together to support innovation in industry.
The advisory board does not score points, but reflects broader trends in the economy for companies and provides substantive advice to make projects more sustainable and impactful.
The Advisory Board includes Andres Sutt, Member of the Riigikogu, Jaan Puusaag, Head of Krimelte OÜ, Sirli Männiksaar, Head of Ericsson Eesti AS, Veljo Konnimois, Member of the Board of Radius Machining OÜ, Juhan-Madis Pukk, Partner of Flowit Estonia OÜ, Andrus Durejko, Head of Eesti Energia AS and Jukka Patrikainen, Head of ABB BalticsAS.
“It is indeed a great pleasure to have people of such experience and professional standing on the AIRE Advisory Board,” said AIRE CEO Kirke Maar.
Partikainen appreciates AIRE’s work so far.
According to her, universities together with top professionals are a great support for the development of the Estonian company.
“As a member of AIRE’s advisory board, I see many good proposals and the courage of Estonian companies to bring their solutions to the table.
I am happy to be an advisor in the creation of innovation,” said Jukka Partikainen.
The AIRE Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics supports Estonian industry in adopting smart digital solutions in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.
To date, 27 demonstration projects have been approved, of which the first seven have already been completed.
The call for ideas for new projects is open all year round.
Applications for the next round (with CVs and other supporting documents) are invited by 20 June.
The call for applications is open until 20 March at
Source: AIRE news