The 9 steps to start the innovation process.
- Start by assessing your organisation’s readiness to implement innovation. Understand why change is needed.
Evaluate factors such as the maturity of the organisation, past innovation practices, available resources and commitment to innovation.
- Learn about the Innotrepe model and the key drivers of organisational innovation. Take the time to understand the factors involved in innovation to understand where to start.
Gathering information about your business and self-analysis is the foundation of a successful innovation process.
- Choose the right development focus. Note that you don’t have to improve all the factors affecting your company’s innovation capacity at once.
Evaluate which topics offer the most new ideas and opportunities.
- Set objectives and innovation strategy. Define what you want to achieve through innovation and how you want to do it.
Think about potential competitive advantages for your business, such as improved business processes, greater differentiation or better risk management.
- Gain the support of your management. A clear understanding of what you want to achieve through innovation also helps to secure the support of management, which is essential for successful innovation.
Involve top management to get their support and approval for innovation initiatives.
- Make a plan. Work out a detailed plan to get to the next level on the Innotrepe.
The plan should include the steps, timeline, responsibilities and resources needed to successfully manage change and implement innovation.
- Involve the whole team. Involve all the key players in the process and invest in adequate communication.
Seek input from employees affected by the implementation of innovations to ensure their cooperation.
Provide training for the team so they understand the importance and benefits of implementing innovation.
- Continuous improvement. Innovation management and systemic improvement are essential.
Once the initial plan has been implemented, progress should be monitored, results measured and an assessment made of how to continuously improve your innovation management practices.
- Weight certification.
Sertifitseerimine võib näidata pühendumust parimatele tavadele ja pidevale parendamisele innovatsioonijuhtimises, kuid see ei ole kindlasti kohustuslik tõhusate innovatsiooni-initsiatiivide rakendamiseks ettevõttes.
If you would like to go more in-depth with the assessment of your company’s innovation capacity, use the free EAS Detailed Innovation Capacity Audit service!
Diagnostics of innovation performance
The methodology for assessing innovation performance is based on the ISO 56002 standard for innovation management.
During the diagnostic process, EAS experts meet with the company’s team to assess the company’s innovation capacity in six different categories:
- Culture of innovation
- Knowledge of the business sector
- Strategy
- Structure of R&D investment
- Capacity and resources
- Processes
An open discussion within the company’s team and the opportunity to gain a systematic overview of the current situation are essential to the evaluation.