In Estonia, there is a lot of talk about innovation, but little effective cooperation.

Different actors in the ecosystem have collectively found that we have the skills and knowledge to support innovation in the country, but that these are unevenly distributed and it is difficult for businesses to find the right inputs.
To remedy this situation, we have created a framework for assessing innovation capacity, the innotrep model.

Need help?

The company account is created using the details of the Business Register, and the account can be created and users added by a member of the board.
Kati Rostfeldt Innovation Adviser / Product Manager, Innovation Trail Estonian Employers Confederation +372 5177473

Innovation ecosystem

There are three major players in the Innotrep ecosystem: businesses in need of development, service providers with the necessary knowledge and the state.
The service providers are in turn divided into four main pillars of the business development journey – research institutions, the private sector, the financial sector and the third sector.

3 parties

Every business has a different development path and needs.
In the ecosystem of economic space, there are service providers and service consumers – one has the need, the other the means.
The state helps to create an enabling and supportive environment for change.

Growing businesses

For businesses, Innotrepp offers the opportunity for self-analysis, a development framework and the knowledge and skills to grow and outperform competitors. A single framework will help save time and money in finding relevant advice, as well as networking for cost-effective collaboration.

Service providers

The ecosystem’s wide range of service providers support businesses with a choice of knowledge, skills and services in six different categories and at five different levels of the innotrep.


The state plans support mechanisms and shapes the business environment. Although the journey of each company is different, they have similar needs and awareness of their development plans and activities gives us a longer visibility in the development of the Estonian business environment.

Ecosystem service providers

These are the parties that provide support to companies on their innovation and development journey.

Research institutions

Universities will benefit from Innotrep’s high quality contacts with businesses, creating opportunities for demand-driven knowledge transfer, applied research and international research and development cooperation, which in turn will provide businesses with greater opportunities for specialisation.

Private sector

Consultants and private sector service companies enable companies to take their management skills to the next level, providing support in formulating business models and value propositions, improving processes and performance.

Financial sector

To move up the knowledge-intensive and higher added value knowledge ladder, a company must have the resources to do so. Various financial service providers in the ecosystem – banks, venture capital funds, early-stage angels – offer opportunities to raise money.

Third sector

An important partner for businesses in the innovation ecosystem are professional associations, business organisations and other active interest groups that provide connections and networking, increasing the capacity of businesses to collaborate.

Innovation Trail partners

Innotrep is being developed in a PPP partnership between the private and public sectors.

Employers’ Innovation Start-up

Central Union of Estonian Employers

Innovation Leaders Club

Tehnopol / SEB

EAS/KredEx Combined Authority

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Creators of the Innovation Trail model

aasta moodustati innotrepi mudeli loomiseks töögrupp kaasates Eesti parimad innovatsioonieksperdid.

Head of Innovation Trail working group

Ivo Suursoo

Head of Innovation Start-up

Chairman of the OIXIO Group


Kadri Männasoo

Professor at the Institute of Economic Analysis and Finance

Tallinn University of Technology

Mary Kruusmaa

Professor at the Centre for Biorobotics

Tallinn University of Technology

Kadri Ukrainski

Head of the Department of Economics

University of Tartu

Private sector experts

Indrek Sabul

business consultant

OIXIO Advisory

Kitty Kubo

innovation expert

Markko Karu

systems designer, development consultant

Heidi Kakko

Investor, entrepreneur and mentor

Mart Maasik

Head of UniTartu Ventures

Innovation Leaders Club

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Sigrid Rajalo

Head of Development, Economic Development Department

Kati-Liis Vaarma

public sector innovation expert

EAS/KredEx Combined Authority

Inge Laas

Head of Innovation Department

Elisabeth Ebon Niinepuu

Principal Analyst

Helery Tasane

Principal Analyst

Aigi Kukk

Team Leader for Inspiration Services

Triin Juergens

service designer in the innovation services team

Terje Kaelep

innovation expert

Siim Kinnas

Team Leader Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property Expert

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