The ABC of innovation capacity

On this page you will find a range of materials you can use to develop your business.
In addition, we have formulated the most important concepts and keywords that are most commonly used in innovation.
Innotrep’s model diagrams, presentations and corporate visualisations are free for all to use and download.

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The ABCs of Innovation Management
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Innotrep visuals

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Klienditeekonna kaart

Klienditeekonna kaardi lõuend aitab:

  1. Paremini mõista kliendi valupunkte ja ootusi.
  2. Avastada parendusvõimalusi igas teekonna etapis.
  3. Luua kliendikeskseid lahendusi ja suurendada rahulolu

PARE Management Barometer

The PARE management barometer is a survey in the form of an index that helps to map the current state of the quality of people management in an organization.


A circle of good leadership

Good people management starts with awareness and understanding that every manager is responsible for the quality of people management.


Innotrep introduction presentation

The Innotrep presentation material is intended to introduce the model and methodology.

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An innovation is a new (or significantly updated) product, service or process introduced or introduced to the market. The purpose of innovation is to create value and achieve a competitive advantage, contributing to the company’s development and productivity growth.

At the same time, innovations do not always have to be the first in the world or lead to a radical change, but can also contain small incremental changes that improve.

Open innovation

Companies use ideas and opportunities not only from within their own company, but also from outside for product development and bringing innovation to market. This means that cooperation networks, which may consist of customers, other companies and research institutions, play a major role. Open innovation sees the entire innovation chain as one open system that includes several actors.


Estonia has set a goal for the business sector to invest 2% of GDP in research and development, and the state to invest 1% of GDP. If a company invests 2% of its turnover in research and development activities, it can be considered a knowledge-intensive company with high added value.

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