Liitu klubilistega 19. juunil, et osaleda üritusel, mille eesmärk on suurendada ettevõtetele konkurentsivõimet läbi strateegiliste partnerluste suurettevõtetega.

Innovation Leaders Club season finale: Partnering with Corporates for Global Expansion – Case Studies from the Nordics

Join us on June 19th for an insightful event designed to empower businesses through strategic partnerships with corporates.

Hosted by Innovation Leaders Club in collaboration with Estonian Business and Innovation Agency, the event will provide a platform to hear valuable case-studies how partnering with established corporations can facilitate global business expansion. During the event 3 different experiences from SEB Sweden, Helmes and Feelingstream will be presented. In addition there will be a short overview of support mechanisms that various agencies in Estonia are able to provide companies with.

The second part of the event enables participants to delve into moderated peer-to-peer discussions asking questions and sharing insights on co-creation and partnerships experience either in Estonia or abroad.

Wrap up of the day will be with a relaxed buffet dinner, providing further networking opportunities in a more informal setting.

Registreeru üritusele SIIT

Innovatsiooniliidrite klubi uue hooaja avame 16.09.

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